Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Role Re-Modelling

It's a generally accepted belief that our society is a poor teacher of morals and ideals. With a major emphasis on consumerism, outward appearance, sexuality and degradation of the human form, the obvious question is: why do we allow ourselves to subscribe to these damaging and self-depreciating thoughts? Are we sheep who are simply directed and fed whatever society is serving us without reflection or independent thought? If not, why are we defined by the morals of society and not our own personal beliefs? What are we missing, what do we need in order to break the patterns of massive thought holding back individual progress and freedom? Role models.

Now don't get me wrong, and before you start screaming at me the names of your Justin Beeber's and Milo Seriouses, allow me to make my point. It seems to me a role model should emerge out of some aspect of society which should be aspired for; some position of respect, intelligence, wisdom, humility, kindness, etc. Now think again about who you may consider a personal role model. Did you list an athlete? Not bad, they can exemplify some of these qualities. How about a musician? Same goes, I guess. How about an actor? In a sense, I guess they fit the bill. How about a poet though? An astronaut? Scientist? Novelist? Philosopher? Doctor? Teacher? Guru/religious leader? I'd wager, for the most part, these people lacking fame and recognition didn't make your list. What are the odds that you become a professional athlete, musician, or actor? (Not too good, in case you're wondering). Yet it is these people who we idolize; these people we imitate, and these people we view as our role models.

It's quite interesting actually that we expect change and enlightenment while burying our heads in gossip magazines, celebrity tweets and the dreams of fame. It's even more interesting that the people who have this fame might live by the motto of "any press is good press". The public eye is wide open, and what it sees, it imitates. When Oprah alone can take a book from obscurity to fame with a simple name drop, you've got to wonder how much thinking people want to do for themselves. With such a dangerous atmosphere, why are we letting the thinking be accomplished by preteen children or reality TV stars? Better yet professional athletes, actors, and singers who elected to chase the dream before bothering to opt for an education. Not only are we following the uneducated, but we're experience a dumbing down of the educated. Presidential candidates are a brilliant example. George W. Bush was a graduate of Yale and Harvard School of Business, yet in his addresses appears dumber than a sack of potatoes. You think that's an error or mistake? Think again. Everything about these leaders is manufactured and contrived. Why might they be being dumbed down? Because, perhaps, society can't keep up. And now I wonder why that might be?

This isn't supposed to be a "you're dumb" rant, but rather a "let's fix this" bit. We have misplaced morals, and allow ourselves to look up to people who have done nothing to deserve admiration. Abilities are wonderful, but we need to diversify our scope beyond singing, acting, and throwing stuff. I challenge you to find a thinker rather than a doer and to really spend some time exploring that aspect of ability. They don't even need to be famous; in fact it'd be better if they aren't. Search for someone you know, or have been introduced to, and look to see if you can admire what they do; the difference they make in the world. When we become able to depend on each other for inspiration and respect, we remove the influence of the elite few, and allow for a more balanced power between the obscure enlightened and the famous shells of ignorance.

A final thought to leave you with before this is all over. I saw a video of a baby smoking and swearing the other day upon the encouragement of his parents. Clearly I was pretty shocked to see such negligence. If you'd also feel this way, ask yourself the question I try to pose to myself before I act now: Am I acting in such a way as I'd like my future children to act? If the answer is no, why bother waiting around until you have kids before making an adjustment? Kids are everywhere, and unknown to you they're looking up to your every move (literally, too, ha ha). Do I listen to the right kinds of music, do I use the right kind of words, and is my behaviour something I want to see in kids everywhere? If the answer is no, why do it? Because it's cool? Don't cop out on this very serious epidemic we're going though here. We've got a serious shortage of role models, and a world full of people who have the power to change that fact. If I know it's wrong for them (the children, be they mine or yours), then I'm smart enough to know it's not helping me any. The task becomes to start to purge ourselves of the negative aspects of our lives. In doing so, look to real world role models to base our decisions on, and to lean on for support. Change isn't something the world needs to do for us, but something we need to do for it. It's time for a role remodelling, interested?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We're all sick with something,
mine's just on the surface.
so while I'm treatin what's beatin on me,
the sickness hurts less cause its where I can see.

Now when I purge this hurt,
don't be so sure to call me healthy.
As the outside heals, the in's no more revealed,
sickness is hard to treat when you keep it concealed.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Take your time

If I had more time, things would be different.

With just a couple more seconds, I'd come up with something brilliant.
All the world's greatest thinkers would stuggle to compare to my innovation. I'd conceptualize cures for uncurable diseases, I'd provide prose unparalleled by professionals, I'd solve the unsolvable equations and problems of the logical world.
With just a couple more seconds, I'd be a genius.

With just a couple more minutes, I'd never show up late.
I'd be punctuality personified, never missing a chance to brighten up a room. I'd take my time passing flashing lights, stop and smell the roses, and already be awake and smelling the coffee. My life would be full of after-you's and go-ahead's.
With just a couple more minutes, I'd always be there for you, right when you need me.

With just a couple more hours, I'd be the world's best friend.
Time would be made for all who need it. I'd hear out everyone's problems, and stay by their sides with a shoulder, some tissues, and a head full of advice. There would be no friendship heirarchy, as all would be equally important in my eyes. You'd feel loved and embraced as an individual, and never feel you're wasting my time.
With just a couple more hours, I'd show I care with sincerity and conviction.

With just a couple more days, I'd live a life fulfilled.
There'd be no regret as I wake up thankful for everything I have, and certain of tomorrow's coming. I'd be fearless, jumping at opportunities and looking while I leap, just to enjoy the view. My life's accomplishments would live through me and in me, without a worry of whether they'll be there when I'm gone. My lifetime would be a legacy in itself, regardless of where and when I end my time on earth.
With just a couple more days, I'd make the most of every hour, minute, and second.

And yet, while I propose such an idea I'll never grasp, hope dawns upon me. Each moment in the near future is a moment of a couple more. Each second, minute, hour, and day is granted in addition to what I have now. Time isn't working for or against me, it works with me to form this person I desire to be.

Now is as good as ever to take a second to be brilliant, take a minute to be punctual, take an hour to show I truly care, and take a day to be all that I've ever wanted to be. With each moment that approaches, I can now take my time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bon Iver

...I couldn't just pick one, watch them all, and enjoy the brilliance of Justin Vernon's unique voice.

Monday, March 15, 2010

More than a machine

I am more than a machine.

I am a being with no clear purpose. I am emotional, irrational, fallible and in flux. I grow, mature, learn, react, misjudge, misuse, misunderstand, and abuse. Error is in my nature, as without error, I’d have to be living without action. I'm only certain in my uncertainty. I'm at such a distance from perfection that I'm squinting through a telescope just to get a glimpse of what it might look like. I'm so prone to making mistakes that I deserve a standing ovation for simple successes. And yet, it isn't even in my nature to celebrate, but rather to strive for more. I am not content with what I have; I constantly desire more than that which I am.

And yet...I say again...I am more than a machine.

While I am this being of simplicity so prone to tripping over my own two feet that I have to think about each step, there's something more to me. I am a being through which love is given its definition. That's not to say that without me love doesn't exist, but rather, it becomes as obscure a thought as a time before light. Love, as much as myself, is full of error, hurt, misunderstanding, and sadness. But, also like me, love's true potential is far superior to its negative by-products. Love elevates our existence to a greater level, it forgives when we feel weak, and it unifies humanity in a common bond. Without us, love returns to a place of darkness and obscurity.

Now here's where we get deep. Love can't be programmed. What makes me more than a machine? A machine is programmed. You can elicit feelings of love, you can stimulate, replicate and simulate phantom feelings of love, but you cannot recreate love. Love isn't something we create, it's not something we fully understand, and it's certainly not something we can reduce to simple reprogramming. Love isn't an ideal set of circumstances in which we place two people; it's a fumbling, stumbling, harsh, painful thing. It doesn't follow a formula, it often goes wrong, and even when it works out its effects aren't always consistent. No matter how advanced you may become, you can never create love, love isn't ours to create.

I am a being of biological creation, sparing you the details I'm sure you don't need. I am capable of experiencing, embracing (or rejecting) my feelings of love. I have choices and decisions to make in the matter, and a subjectivity through which I experience the many joys of the human condition. Love is only a fraction of the complex emotions and feelings which cannot be simply programmed. My emotions, felt in genuine ways through my experiences, are limitless. While you may understand them, and make attempts to reduce them to nothing more than activity of the brain, you'll never understand the process enough to recreate it. Replicate it, sure. Simulate it, go ahead. But you'll never make anything more than a machine.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Songs of the Month

Blind Mary - Gnarls Barkley
Travelling Song -
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
What More Can I Say - DJ Danger Mouse*
The First Day Of My Life - Bright Eyes
Aw Naw - Nappy Roots*
Good Day - Nappy Roots
Seed 2.0 - The Roots*

*Explicit language

Philosophy: More than just thinking

Wow, feels like it's been quite some time since I've posted. Either I've been really busy, or just neglecting to reflect -- probably the latter. There is something that's been on my mind for a while now, sparked by this discussion we had in bible study last Thursday. I've got a million thoughts and nowhere to think them out, so I guess this blog shall be my canvas. If I do this right, there should be some nice philosophical thoughts to follow.

If I had to tell you one key truth about philosophy, something that most people don't realize or recognize, it'd be that it involves more than just thinking. Most people who are sceptical of philosophy reject it as a feasible process for solving problems because it's a circular process which brings up more questions than answers. It's true, rarely do the questions get answers, as they usually open the forum up for more inquiry, but that's all part of the process. However, philosophy reaches way beyond thought; it stretches into ideas and concepts. It begins in the realm of thought, but evolves into a place where my thoughts can be shown to you to be convincing and clever. A thought is a simple, contained notion, and anybody can think. However, taking my thought out of my mind, expressing it to you in a clear way, and developing it to the point of a strong idea is where most people get lost in the process of philosophy.

Well, now that that distinction is out of the way, I might as well get on to some of the ideas that I have been considering as of late. The main branch of philosophy which has been on my mind is metaphysics (beyond or after physics). This is a look into the nature of the real/reality. Not only this major concept, but I guess I'm also looking into the concept of one’s identity/the notion of the self, and the problem of the mind/body. Not exactly your basic stuff to try and fight through, but definitely stuff worth thinking about. Scratch that, stuff worth philosophizing over. (I love these made-up-sounding philosophy words)

After just trudging through Meditations I and II by Descartes, I have come to the conclusion that I exist. Everyone should realize how they can be sure of their existence, it's pretty important stuff. More importantly, I realize now that there are things in our world which can deceive my sensual experience, and trick my mind into believing that which isn't necessarily true. So, to summarize my main man D; think to be, and ask questions.

But for my purposes, Descartes only acts as a springboard into the greater questions and concepts. Mind you, it is necessary to start with a basis, and there'd be no point in inquiring about any more if my existence is in question. But sit tight and rest assured that as long as I am thinking I am existing, and I presume you can believe the same about yourself. Don't try to convince me you exist though, because if I'm like Descartes, chances are I'm still somewhat unconvinced at this point. Anyways, springboard.

Yes, springboard. So, my existence at this point is reduced to the existence of my mind. My thoughts are the only things which keep me suspended in some form of a reality. All things around me may be deceptions constantly causing myself to be fooled by what is not real. Matrix, anyone? Anyways, if everything is a deception, all I can be certain of are the thoughts I have. Yet, if this is the case, clearly there is an argument for the mind. Be clear, the mind isn't the brain. The mind is the soul/consciousness/mind/whatever other terms there are. It exists independent of the brain, as it is not a spatial body. It is formless, shapeless, weightless, odourless and tasteless. It is just there. Hard to buy what I'm selling? Most would agree with you there. However, if you find yourself on the side of the body and the mind existing independently, call yourself a dualist. If not, and you only see the body/brain with no other parts, you can call yourself an, I mean, a monist (kidding of course).

Dualist after death, possible chances for a healthy soul while the human body is damaged, ability to protect the mind from damages/abuses to the body.

Dualist problemos...hard to prove something which cannot be seen/felt, must find the link where the mind and body interact.

Monist bonuses...a certainty in what death has to bring (worms meat), scientifically easier to defend.

Monist problemo...there is nothing which differs us from animals/AI except that we're (currently) smarter

So here's a basic into to what I'm currently wrestling with. Sorry if I droned on about it, but if you wish to ask questions/discuss this stuff, I am more than willing to. In fact, I'd love to! Post here or contact me some other way and we can hammer it out.

P.S, more to follow as I uncover more, so wait in uneasy anticipation.