Saturday, May 25, 2013

To reminisce

If this is the YOLO generation, why is it that everyone insists on capturing the moment via whatever technology they can get their hands on? At the Mumford concert the other night (which, by the way, was amazing but that sort of goes without saying) I had to find viewing windows above and around outstretched arms wielding low quality recording devices. Everyone had to not only capture the moment, but capture the moment from their own perspective. At one point, they mentioned the beautiful moon behind us, and people began turning to take pictures...of the moon...the same moon that's always been if it were only made significant by the moment they found themselves in. If we're living once, why do we need data to relive? In our efforts to perfect deja vu, we've discarded the art of reminiscence.

There is subtle beauty in the passing moment, and a joy in knowing that we'll never get it back. Our experiences make up our identity; all of who we are is lived out in the moments that pass. As we fade away, we hope that we've left an impression in the memories we share. If my eulogy is composed not of anecdotes but rather Youtube highlights and slideshows, I should think I've not been remembered at all.

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