Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The W Word

Yesterday was an odd day. Or perhaps it was more myself that was the oddity. The day was quite normal, thinking about it again. I don't know why, but sometimes, I get weird. Not your normal weird, I'm talking weird-weird. I think society has it twisted, though. Weird isn't a bad thing, to be apart from normalcy, to exercise your right to be different; to be an individual. That is something of great worth. Sometimes I'll feel like talking with an accent, to nobody in particular, just as a way of speaking. Some parts of me will advise against it, luckily those are the quietest voices. I'll joke around, dance, make noise, and just enjoy the particularly unenjoyable areas of life. For me, it's not so much what I'm doing as it is how I'm doing it.

But back on point, why is weird such a negative word? I try not to judge others as much as consciously possible, but I find the one word I'll use to describe what I see in people is "weird". Yet, when I say weird, I mean it to be a compliment. Whether it someone wearing clothes that aren't "in style", or perhaps a different hairstyle, or a walk, or an accent, or an attitude that doesn't fit the norm. To me, it's good-weird. What could be gained from one another if we share all the same thoughts and interests? Where and how may we then progress? As far as I see it, any steps to be more like everyone else and less like yourself are steps in the wrong direction.

The only thing that differentiates this whole bad-weird we have in society and funny or amusing is the laughter that follows. Funny is what we don't expect, it's ironic, surprising, spontaneous, and often very weird. But funny gets a laugh. What is a laugh anyways? Sometimes the funniest situations go without the support of a chuckle. I say be funny on your own, ignore the laughter and just be. Weird is easier than funny anyways; anyone can be weird. Ignore the stigma too, weird shouldn't be a bad word. Take it as a compliment that you've achieved something beyond expected; you've forced someone to see beyond their point of view, you've introduced something different. For better or for worse, you've changed things.

Don't get me wrong, though. I don't advocate being weird if it's not how you feel. If you, to your very core, are an utterly normal person, be yourself. But if not, or if you feel a sudden urge to be weird, indulge a bit. And if not, don't knock others for their weirdness. Weird is a good thing. I'm perfectly content to say I'm weird, are you?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Three rights make a poem.

Stability is fleeting,
slipping away.
Smiling while greeting,
I'm alright, I say.

So certain, I seem;
it'll be all right.
Flawless like a dream,
through an endless night.

Until awakened suddenly,
paralyzed by fright.
Trapped in reality,
to escape, I'll write.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Growing up

It's funny, I think as long as I'm alive I'll always feel the phrase "when I grow up..." will be applicable in my life. It's certainly the case right now, as it has been since I was young. When I grow up, I'd like to be a teacher, among other things of course. But I think I'll always say it. I wonder if growing up should be viewed as a thing that comes naturally with age rather than a state of mind. I know many adults who aren't grown up. I guess I'd count myself as one of them, though, so don't take my word for too much.

My life has become as "grown-up" as it's ever been, with bills, school, responsibilities, etc. I just don't feel it though. I know within the next few years, I'll be a tied down fellow who has roots starting to dig in. Even then, I wonder what growing up I'll envision having to complete, cause I know I won't give up there. Forever young, if only in mind, that's my goal.

It's not that I don't want to grow, I just don't want to outgrow the vibrancy and excitement life can bring me. I don't mean simply the huge, adult successes like getting paid, but the little things. I like to sing, I like to be awkward, I like to laugh, if all three can be combined, I like that too. I don't want to be an old man whose droopy facial features match the interior of my heart. I want to be able to take out my teeth and pretend they belong to dinosaurs, or something ridiculous like that. I want to use my cane as a sword as I swashbuckle my way around the city. I want to giggle at silly words, and allow joy to flow through me, especially if it is uncharacteristic of my age. I'll never be fully grown up, but that just gives me new things to look forward too, along with old traits that I'll never have to let go of.

A word of advice, for me, from me, to me...I suppose.

I'm hiding, and with that lack of effort you'll never find me. I'll appear before your very eyes in ways that bring you great embarassment, I'll rise up with such intensity that you'll fail to control me, but when I've finished my tirades and spats I'll retreat to my concealed shelter. I'm here, that's for sure, you know I'm here somewhere, but you're no good at bringing me out. Not only that, but your sad imitations are laughable. Don't give up though, you're doing a horrible job going on without me as it is, you definitely need me.

It seems you've found a way to bring me out, it seems you are more aware than I thought possible. With that sweet sounding strumming and soulful singing I am brought out into the open for your to experience and express me honestly. Your life and all the worries associated with it seem to evaporate and your become lifted to this higher place whenever I'm around, addicting isn't it? You'll chase me, there's no doubt, but eventually you'll plunge back into the monotony of life and you'll neglect any need you have for me.

I'm here right now, though, and you're enjoying it. Pity that I'm not around in other areas of your life, they could really use me. I make you better, not worse. Stop running from me and try to embrace me a little bit, see where that gets you. All the hurt that you may think I bring is nothing compared to the great joys you'll experience through me. Think it over, you know how and where to find me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm doing good

Don't get me wrong, I mean to describe my well-being, not my altruistic acts. To be honest, I'm not really doing anything all too amazingly selfless, I'm just feelin' alright. However, I wonder what you thought when you read the title of this post.

To me, to say "I'm doing good" is to describe some act or continuous mission you're participating in that involves what could be considered as "good" work. However, it dawned on me today as I was watching the tele that this phrase, although gramatically incorrect, has become a verbally acceptable response to the question "how are you?". I don't know when it happened, I don't know why, but it's strange to think that something such as an error in grammar can be so frequently used and so rarely corrected that it can become the social norm above the correct response. This lead me to question whether or not it can be deemed correct?

See, to be correct or true or whatever else is mostly a matter of subjective interpretation in this case. It's as though we are so ignorant with the response and the difference between well and good that we become indifferent and opt to use them interchangibly. Although, objectively the word good is an adjective and well is an adverb, and any mix up in application would be an error, if society accepts good as well and allows that they be used interchangibly in this example, it's odd to wonder whether or not it is actually acceptable.

Just a rant, scattered and incoherent, but in it lies some valuably inquiry. Good day.