Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Keep the passion alive

Passion is dying, and I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about it. Sure, it's not dead yet, but it seems as though it's heading in that direction. I suppose it's only a matter of time until all that remains is memories of its influence. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to say I've lost my passion, or that I don't feel passion, just that we're all becoming more and more apathetic. Well, maybe not ALL of us, just what seems to form the majority.

The question is, are we killing it ourselves, or is it just being phased out for some other way of existing? Is it that we no longer have use for living out our dreams? We replaced passion with a hunger for wealth and power? Have we all just sold out? Or is passionate living viable in today’s world?

It seems to me that fear is a major killer of passion. This growing over-cautious, anti-bacterial, immunization dependent culture we're creating leaves little room for spontaneity and the freedom to live by the heart instead of the mind. "It's too dangerous to do this", "what's your backup plan?", "what if?". This is choking passion to the point where it is gasping for air. I am personally disgusted and sick to my stomach of apathy. Caution should be exercised to a logical degree, but if you arrive at every situation only to ask what if it fails, you're living a life of fear. If you could care less, don't address the issue. Don't stop there though; find an issue that matters to you.

Inspiration and passion go hand in hand. If you see a world of people who could care less about your passion, inspire them. Why should someone else see anything as you do if you're not willing to spend every waking second convincing them of its beauty? We are all afraid. Some of us are fortunate enough to still feel burning passions for some things. Extinguish the fear in others by means of inspiration.

SO WHAT if you fall down, find another way to get back up. SO WHAT if the world or society doesn't approve of what you're passionate about, live for something that matters to you. SO WHAT if it's tough, let your determination and dedication carry you in the darkness. As I say, I'm sick of this apathy, and if we don't want to wonder "whatever happened to passion?” we need to do something to keep it alive.

What am I passionate about? I am passionate about teaching. More specifically, teaching English. Why? To me, language is one of the most amazing acts we as a people engage in. Your expression can move millions to action, it can break the hearts of millions, it can inspire empathy, sympathy, love, respect, heartbreak, heck, it can even inspire others to inspire. Inability to effectively communicate what you feel gives you no reason to want to feel at all. Apathy sets in. I want people to fall in love with language; I want them to embrace the words and phrases they use, to respect every aspect of the language they use to express themselves. Without an ability to effectively communicate what you know, what use is intelligence? It all starts with language. This is my passion, this is my goal, this is what I live to do, and will die happy knowing I've spent my life in dedication to this calling.

Find your passion, pursue it at all costs, destroy apathy and inspire with your passionate pursuit of all things important. Yay pep talk!

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