Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Life Be Like...

The kid is officially sick. Boo! For at least a week I've been combating the notion that I could be brought down by sickness, only to succumb to the peer pressure and admit my inevitable defeat. How's that for dramatic?

On the plus side, it's reading break. So really, for me, it's sickness break. I don't know why I set such lofty goals when in reality I'll not come close to achieving them. I planned to do work every morning this week, and thus be productive in my reading break. So far I'm 0 for 3. Life aint easy, alright?, let's just leave it at that. I'm pretty brutal at the whole proactive thing.

I'm in the mood to make sweeping, absolutist statements, and as such, I shall say that I'll never be satisfied with the present condition. That's not to say that I won't be thankful or appreciative of what I have, just that it'll be easier to focus on what I'm lacking. Not in the sense of material possessions, mind you, more so personal qualities. I wish I was a baller, I wish I were a little bit taller, etc. You get the picture. But in seriousness, it's much easier to step back from a picture and notice what you'd fix instead of marvelling at all which you've gotten right. That's generally the sentiment I'm feeling at the moment.

Now, while I update you fine folks, as identity can so often be reduced to the few aspects of life which people attribute ones existence to, I shall give an account of my present circumstances.

Wedding: invitations done (I'd like to say it was a team effort, and I suppose it was, but I was benched for said performance), caterer being pursued (this one I've got, we're going with The Banqueting Table), guest list being trimmed (painful process, to say the least. Think of all your previous experiences making guest lists, and compress them into one super-meaningful, hugely sensitive subject and multiply by one million to comprehend the pressure), budget being worked and reworked (more often the latter than the former), cake being pursued (Leah's handling this one), location settled upon.
Rings, rentals, suit, etc. = still to be completed.

Soccer: CFC! Bet many of you don't know what CFC is, but for those who do, respect. We're in the playoffs, having clinched first place in our division, and showing no signs of stopping. Game this Saturday in Port Moody against the top team of a rival division. Should be a good match.

School: Meh.

Social: Much better. In the past month, I've seen people I'd gone ages without seeing. It's hard to put into words what something so seemingly insignificant can do to a person’s state-of-mind. At the very least, it's nice to know that everyone's doing well, at the most, it's nice to know that time has no bearing on true friendship, as those who matter most are justified in being so valued.

Relationship: Madly in love, I suppose. In all seriousness, two things really come to mind. One, simple and light, in half a year’s time I'll be married to a woman I'd give anything for. Anticipation, even as it is contrary to my nature, is beginning to creep up on me. Perhaps I'll let it. Two, heavy and dark, I'm learning how tough it is to carry the weight of my sinful behaviour as it weighs upon the shoulders of someone else. To know I'll mess up is one thing, but to know that my messing up can bring someone else down, is a tough thing to come to terms with. I don't feel hopeless, but just aware of the gravity of our commitment to be married, and the responsibilities my role carries not only in times of joy, but in times of pain. Love aint easy folks, and in trying to keep myself righteous, I need to constantly think of those around me as pillars of encouragement.

This is all. This is not all who I am, but rather the convenience sake update that's becoming increasingly valuable in today's society. If not to be read by any eyes but my own, at least I can look back and get a good view of the man people could see in me.

TL;DR: though flawed, life's good.

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