Sunday, June 27, 2010

So I'm not the neatest painter...

So I've just finished eating a bag of candy, (assorted, from Sweet Factory), watching Book of Eli (easily one of the best movies I’ve ever seen), and spending an evening in with Leah relaxing and unwinding from a tiring morning/day of some volunteer stuff. Beyond all the details of what has already transpired, I am here now in this moment feeling as though I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

This place has become such a wonderful canvas for me to spill out my emotions in strokes and blotchy patches of sometimes incoherent ramblings. It's that artistic space covered in dry splashes of paint, caked into all the crevices and corners, soon to be overlaid by new colourful ideas and hopefully more cohesive works of the imagination. I love to write, I love to share, and I love to feel as though others may benefit from the concepts pressed upon my heart to be disclosed in this expressive space.

So, I suppose I should say, welcome back! As odd as it may sound, I feel I am an introvert running around in an extravert's existence. I love to share, I love deep encounters; I love it all. But in reality, this is my space where I can say as much, or as little, as I want. The space between where I sit now, my expressed ideas, and those who read them creates this bubble of comfort that allows me to feel completely open to sharing things I'd perhaps struggle to say in person.

And now, to what really matters. I feel affirmed. I feel so strongly affirmed in the pressing matters on my mind; a real mission of working to help build a sturdy, open community. In this past week, specifically Friday night, I felt so close to so many people in a way I'm not sure I've ever really experienced. Working with youth is the greatest blessing I've been fortunate enough to have bestowed upon me. It's helped me to deal with issues and topics ranging from my deepest secrets to the everyday mundane stuff. The relationships being built have been impacting my day to day life in ways I'd never even considered. Beyond that, serving with my peers has provided such a deep insight into who they are as people. It allows me to see such beautiful gifts and sides of their personalities I'd never have even considered existed. The whole situation is the perfect package; I feel I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Finally, I've had conversations in the past month which bring such joy to my life that I feel they simply must be acknowledged. I appreciate those who take time to talk, I appreciate your words of encouragement, and I appreciate all of you folks. If I don't say it, or don't mention how much I care, please don't assume it's for lack of love, rather more likely lack of awareness and expression. I suppose we're all a little introverted when it comes to expressing our truest feelings. As long as I have my studio here I'll keep slapping on the paint, if I spill a little on you hopefully it'll be something positive to add some colour to your life.

Cheers, Go England!

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